
Hackle Overview


We build the best AI-based SaaS platform that supports fast, stable, and data-driven product iterations for tech companies to allow them to accelerate their growth while scaling up.


The world's most customer-oriented SaaS company, where customers can enjoy all the tools and resources for growth.

What are the pain points we want to solve ?

- No more bullshit metrics.

Startups are not able to see the exact impact of new product release (as-is vs. to-be) without A/B test platform, and that's why they rely on the difference from versions (old vs. new). Thus, they do not recognize what exactly happened to their business, even if the new version of product hurts the overall conversion. Our A/B test platform will help them understand what is exactly happening with the right data.

- Save the developers resources.

It is not able to control features independently without additional deployment if startups do not have a platform to control features with independent flags. Additional deployment to control features will make them slow and waste tech resources. Hackle CI/CD feature management platform will help them save the developers resources and move faster.

- Be prepared for incidents.

For startups, it is not possible to track each important system metrics, and to automatically execute the contingency plan for incidents unless they have resources to build, or buy, the sophisticated and expensive alert/monitoring/incident systems. Hackle's monitoring and incident management platform will support startups to minimize the incident impacts for ongoing product iteration.

Hackle's First Story (Sep/2020)


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